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How to Become a Member of Trinity Methodist

We warmly welcome ALL who are interested in becoming a member of Trinity Methodist Church. Even if you are new the Elizabethtown/White Lake area, Methodist Church, or just church in general, we are more than happy to meet you where you are in your journey and help you find your place in a faith community. For information on joining the church please contact the Church Office.

Church Cross



Taken when a person joins a Methodist church as a baptized or professing member. By taking the baptismal and local church membership vows, the individual agrees to covenant with God and the members of the local church to keep the vows that are part of living the baptismal covenant and reception into membership in the local church. These vows have four parts: (1) to confess Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior; (2) to believe in the Christian faith as contained in the Old and New Testaments; (3) to support The Methodist Church; and (4) to uphold the local congregation with one's prayers, presence, gifts, service ,and witness. The first two parts are included among the baptismal vows. Those and the latter two parts are included in the vows when becoming a professing member in a local United Methodist congregation.


1. I commit to pray for myself, my friends and my enemies, and for the needs of the world, no matter how overwhelming they may be.


2. I commit to remain present to my soul, and to the Maker of my Soul. I commit to remain present to Christians around the world, people of faith around the world, and the needs of my family, my community and my church. I commit to become present to other people of faith along the way, and to support them along their journeys as well. I commit to be present to the still, small voice, and the everyday miracles of life.


3. I commit to understanding myself as abundantly gifted in this world: in faith, in curiosity and in humanity. To understand that I have been endowed with gifts that make a difference. I commit to being generous with my finances, my faith and my friendship to make a difference for the Kingdom of God.


4. I commit to giving myself away in service. As a follower of Jesus, I commit myself in service to the poor, the forgotten, the hurting, the hungry, the “other”. I seek the way of peace, without losing myself in people-pleasing. I seek the way of love. I seek the way of justice, without being vengeful.


5. I commit to living a life worth emulating. To let my light shine and not hide it under a bushel basket. To live in such a way that others want to know God as well.

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