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Bible tells in Malachi 3:10 that we are to bring our tithes into the storehouse and God will bless us beyond our ability to receive. Second Corinthians 9:7 says, God loves a cheerful giver. We want to thank you for your support of this ministry.

Thank you for your continued support of the ministries of Trinity Methodist Church. We NOW have online giving! 


We are moving to a new online giving system spring 2023 - This link will be off line until it is set up.


Make a gift via cash or check made out to “Trinity Methodist” and turn it in on a Sunday or drop it by the church office Monday-Thursday from 8am-2pm. 


Make a gift via cash or check made out to “Trinity Methodist” and mail to PO Box 759 Elizabethtown, NC 28337 

Set up automatic bank draft through your bank and have a check mailed each month to the church. 


If you have any questions, contact Ken Moore.

One of the many blessings of The Methodist Church is our connectional way of ministry.  Through connectional ministries, The Methodist Church is ministry in our local churches as well as in ministry throughout the world every day.  Our work together in the United Methodist Church not only gives us this method for connectional ministry so that we can reach farther with the resources we have, but also methods that allow our work to be multiplied so that we reach even farther with God's love.  This means that we not only use our offerings and God's tithes to support the local church but also the community as well as regional and state-wide ministries, in addition to supporting national and international ministries.  

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